Friday, September 01, 2006

Many months have passed... yet the afterglow of notoriety has yet to fade. To have one's reputation preceding his presense is not an honour. Quite the contrary actually, it is a curse. To be the object of awe is to be subjected to jealousy. To gain respect is to earn hatred. What a forlorn and forsaken path to tread.

Yet, despite all that, I think I am where I should be. In asnwering a tough but simple question I was posed a few days ago, "Are you happy where you are?". In a moment, I reflected where I am standing in life. I have so much to balance out, between assignments/studying and lepakking, between true friendships and moral obligations, between college and family, etc... The list has no end. However, on this rare occasion I refused to rationalize an intellectual answer. Following the silent voice within, I gave an emphatic yes.

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