Saturday, February 17, 2007

The new year is just around the corner. That's if you are a Chinese. It's not just any typical year, but the year of the pig. Hmm.. that shouldn't mean anything, but then again it might just be precisely that. :)

Sadly, this is the first year I'm celebrating the New Year without fireworks. Yes, I'm grouchy without crackers, especially that I've been playing with them every year since I was a really small kid. I searched everywhere but it seems to be totally unavailable around. I don't know the exact reason why my usual suppliers are not around, but I can guess why. Let's see... First I'll find someone to blame, seeing that its part of our nature to do so. :) In my opinion, this lack of sales is because of "them". "Them" who are retarded enough to make their own fireworks only to get it blown back into their faces. Serves them right, for getting us all involved in their own problem. And then also another "them" who choose to enact a ban that blankets most fireworks because of the earlier retarded "them". Get it? I mean, because "they" are dumb enough to injure themselves, we are forced to forsake our cultural traditions? That's ridiculous isn't it? That's reality anyway, we live in a ridiculous world.

So, that's all for now. Chinese New Year will be just a dash less merrier, but on the overall none for the worse. :)

Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year. Gong Xi Fa Cai & Xin Nian Kuai Le!!

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