Friday, March 23, 2007

The Lost of Hope

The lost of hope. That is a fate worst than death. For to lose something so essential is to cease living, and simply exist. Hope is the belief that our tomorrow will be a better day, another chance at improving our current station of life. Take that away, and a person will be reduced to no more than a beast, existing without purpose. Likewise, hope is the compass that keeps the ship sailing towards its destination. It is hope that gives us a purpose to live...

Anyway as promised, I must congratulate my sister over her early 21st birthday gift here. I'm sooo jealous, I want a brand new car too! Drive safely ya sis :)

A quote (thanks Ben):
When you're up, your friends know who you are
When you're down, you know who your friends are.


Anonymous said...

haha!! u actually mentioned it :) lol!! when u turn 21 maybe u will get one too! :P

Subatomic Disruption said...

Too bad I probably won't be around here on my 21st birthday to receive one. Haha.. One day must drive me out ok..? I promise I won't nag... Haha ;)

Weijun Lim said...

awwwww brother giving brotherly advice and vice versa =)