Friday, May 25, 2007


An experience...

Now I know what it is like to be robbed. Literally. Almost, not robbed but close to it. Thank God. I was jogging around my neighbourhood about 20 minutes earlier, when a motorcyclist rode up to me. I was just beside a deep drain when he rode up and cornered me. An Indian chap, I would guess in his early 20s asked me for directions in Malay, to a place that was no where near my neighbourhood at all. Couldn't see his face clearly due to his helmet. I told him so, and he suddenly he took out a crowbar about 20 cm long and demanded for my phone. I was jogging and wasn't carrying anything with me, and told him so but he didn't believe me so he actually went through my pockets but they were empty of course. He promptly hopped onto his motorcycle and zoomed of around the corner in a blink of an eye before I could note down anything. It happened just a few houses away from mine and I went home after that of course. It happened in daylight! Crazy...

I just thank God that I am safe and lost nothing...

That which does not kill me makes me stronger

Ps. I'm ok. I'm not traumatized or anything. So don't have to ask me if I'm ok or not. :)

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